Thursday, January 18, 2007

January 19 (if you think the title's boring...)

well, it's been a while. in the past few days a lot has happened and a lot has not happened. i've been avoiding writing and want to continue avoiding writing, so here's a quick update.

our new teacher flew home due to family stuff so we're back onto covering classes. this month is winter intensive, so i'm doing 42 classes a week. no time for Hapkido and no time for golf. it's feeling pretty arse, to put it mildly.

Miss Unerasable and i have been out a few times and i've really enjoyed it, although i'm not sure if she's that interested in me. i like that i like her, and she knows it, but i don't really know where she's coming from. as she's 90 minutes by subway from my place, i'm finding it pretty difficult getting to know her (maybe because i'm a little slow too). coupled with work doing it's utmost to destroy anything resembling a life, i'm feeling a little frustrated about it. still, i'm seeing her again this weekend :)

so, now you know why i didn't blog for a while. there's nothing much to say.


Blogger Unknown said...

Good luck. Hopefully she's not "un-" anything else.

4:07 PM  

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