Thursday, May 17, 2007

JungWang 90210

so the past few days have been a little rough.

Andy moved across town and we've had a new guy move into his room, and from there, it's been quite difficult to, well, co-exist.

to make a short story long, i wouldn't normally choose to live with him. our apartment is provided by the school, so no rent to pay and our roommates are other staff. until now, Brian, Andy and i led a blessed existence of careless bliss. for some reason, we all either met eye to eye on issues, or dealt with them in the 20 seconds it took to talk, vote or throw a dart, blindfolded, at a selection of options taped to the wall.

our new friend is not so relaxed, enjoys a certain amount of his own way (that amount being 100%) and has zero tolerance for most things that come out of my mouth that differentiate from his norm.

let's put this in easier speak. i can't offer advice cos whenever i open my mouth, he shuts it. what i see, subsequently, is a dude who has no clue running through our little part of the world knocking over people like dominoes. now, before i go on, i have disregarded many people in this world, and not listened either. maybe i'm getting a healthy dose of humble pie for treating people similarly in the past. maybe it's deeper. but in the meantime, he's struggling with stuff and i'm not helping anymore.

i'm doing a little soul searching as others at work have got through to him with some advice. so maybe i'm not meeting him on common ground and he feels i'm attacking him. the advising was meant to be as a gesture of help, but maybe it doesn't seem that way to him.

i've learned a few things lately, and that is that i can accept anything i want about myself and be okay with it. attacking people verbally is not one of those things i will accept about myself. so, maybe i should delete this entire post and write about the weather.


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