Wednesday, January 24, 2007

how to erase

to make a short story long, i don't think Miss U was ever interested in anything more than friends. kinda difficult to understand, considering how frank and ernest our conversations had been before this past weekend (don't worry, i won't make a pun about me being frank and her being ernest). i thought we'd been pretty honest and talked about exactly why we were both there, although i must admit i'm a dropkick and really can't pick a subtle hint ever.

nor an obvious hint.

okay, sometimes telling me straight doesn't make it clear.

so, this past weekend was followed by a day or two of confusion, depression, anger, pretending i'm tough, then remembering how to laugh with friends again on tuesday and wednesday. and today, i'm hit with a big question:

do i hit the erasure button? select all; delete? are you sure you want to send this person to the recycle bin? yes square; no square? click . . . .

in other news, i have no news.

a busy work month is drawing to a close and i think everyones feeling the effects. the bell goes for the beginning of class and all teachers seem to drag their feet to classrooms worse than the kids. my hours will hit 130 teaching hours for the month - thats 42.5 contact hours in classrooms per week! the good news is my pay will be quite good, the bad news is my social calendar doesn't start until Feb 3rd.

if you've ever felt out of place, take a moment and think of this family out on a Sunday on the Han River, central Seoul:


Blogger eric uhlich said...

as the cardigans say erase and rewind. But yeah, I have no idea how you'd do that or what that means. Maybe just an edit?

4:29 PM  
Blogger the Emperor Fabulous said...

hmm, new document, copy and paste the good bits, save to file.

8:20 PM  
Blogger odd-one-out said...

...I think it really doesn't matter if you'd try to erase it or not - it wouldn't work anyway. Guess the brain's a funny thing, reminding us constantly about the things we'd like to forget, and the harder we try the longer it takes.
Time goes by and emotions calm down - unfortunately there's no way to speed that process up. It might help to remember a situation like this (we've all been there, haven't we), and how you feel about that passed situation by now. You might discover that you can still remember all the facts, but the emotion should be gone by now. This will be the same, trust me ;-)
Greetings from India

4:43 AM  
Blogger the Emperor Fabulous said...

thanks Katrin, you're right that i'll never erase a thing and nor do i want to. i got to spend time with a cool person.

a group of us went to a noribang (karaoke room) last night, and having partaken in singing some random, random 80's tunes, i couldn't help but laugh, enjoy the night and consider the insignificance of it all. spending time with friends and letting oneself go with mic in hand, freedom personified, did if for me. greatful for the times.

i've been awaiting your update! enjoying India? how long is your planned stay?

9:53 AM  
Blogger odd-one-out said...

Good to hear that you got nice people around that ease your mind. That's what really matters :-)

yeahyeah, ma blog... got loads of mails complaining that I didn't update. Really been out of it for a while, but it's only because I prefer to write about enjoyable things instead of making people pity me for tough times. I'm pretty much out in the sticks here, 90 minutes from the next city and 6 hours from Mumbai, so the only thing to do is working or spending time at the camp I'm located at... with the same people I work with. Over and above that I've been working every weekend and the hours sum up to 70 per week - don't want to judge a complete nation, but Indians are the laziest bunch I've ever come across. Will leave on the 31st or 1st, so not too long. After that 2 weeks of holiday where I'll find comfort visiting my friends in Germany and Spain. Can't wait!!!

Will try to get a proper update together tomorrow; who am I to disappoint my dedicated readership ;-)

11:12 AM  
Blogger odd-one-out said...

Ok, blog's updated. Decided to take my own advice by not erasing those 4 weeks ;-)

11:27 AM  

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