Sunday, February 11, 2007

pics of home

with a little help from Adam, i bought myself a new camera at Yongsan, Seoul on saturday, and spent sunday learning a little bit about using it. here's a few pics from one of the clearest days we've had since i arrived (we have stars tonight!!)

the main main road

from the top of a small hill near my place, the town you see is Oido (2km away) and the causeway beyond links to an island 11km further away (yes, this is a very clear day). i cycled to the island along the causeway every day in summer and autumn.

a cross between volleyball and soccer

in the park by the hill. the pond is still thawing, mainly because its in a place that sees little sun. other ponds around the town are long since thawed. interesting fact: the river that passes through the heart of Seoul hasn't frozen this winter. the last winter it didn't freeze was 1993(?).


Blogger Tee said...

you've got a good eye for photos!

will email you soon when my body catches up with my head...or is it the other way round... soon regardless!!!

gong xi gong xi to you too. OINK :)

3:58 AM  
Blogger the Emperor Fabulous said...

Gong Xi Fa Chai, Tee,

i only post my best ;p

(would needing to catch up with your head or body depend on the way you're facing when you move?)

9:21 AM  

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